Results for 'Bonaventura Bassegoda I. Hugas'

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  1. Joan Bassegoda i Nonell,«La Pedrera Segons els arxius i els crítics».I. Nonell Bassegoda - 2000 - Nexus 24:50-61.
  2.  5
    Non contra sed supra: l’ordine delle leggi nel pensiero di Bonaventura da Bagnoregio.Marco Rossini - 2024 - Doctor Virtualis 19:215-239.
    L’articolo si propone di formulare una prima ipotesi relativa ai rapporti fra i diversi tipi di legge presenti nel pensiero di Bonaventura da Bagnoregio; la ricostruzione avverrà a partire dal basso, prendendo le mosse dalla _ lex politica _, per risalire, solo nelle conclusioni, alla _ lex aeterna _, nella sua doppia funzione di fondamento e ordine. L’articolo non si propone alcun obiettivo di esaustività, si presenta piuttosto come il primo passo di un’indagine che ha bisogno di altri e (...)
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  3. Cristianesimo in dialogo con i non cristiani: L'approccio'testimoniale'di Francesco e Bonaventura.Andrea Di Maio - 2006 - Gregorianum 87 (4):762-780.
    In the context of a wider investigation into Christianity as dialogue with non-Christians, and following up on a study of the approach of Thomas Aquinas through «demonstrative or probable reasons», the present study examines the approach of Francis of Assisi, who went off to preach to the Sultan and ordered his friars to give witness to the Gospel without resorting to discussions or conflicts, and that of Bonaventure, who, like Paul in the First Letter to the Corinthians, insisted on the (...)
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    L'uomo nel pensiero di Bonaventura da Bagnoregio.I. G. Zavattero (ed.) - 2019 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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  5. Ernesto jallonghi: "I ritmi latini di S. bonaventura". [REVIEW]M. C. M. C. - 1916 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 8 (3):326.
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  6. Jeiler O. M., I., S. Bonaventurae principia de concursu Dei generali ad actiones causarum secundarum. [REVIEW]C. Gutberlet - 1897 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 10:440-442.
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    Die Psychologie and Erkenntnisslehre des Johannes Bonaventura.Karl Werner - 1876 - New York,: B. Franklin.
    5905-//I-tt9I5 »!^Q »^!^^_ v!l^i.^Lux»!I <,l^xvII,»l' - !.I ^!i!!!^ ^>'^x^x^>!>! l!'! lIX.I "1!«0'!0U,^I^.l 'lX1 83>A38 8^AO^ 3l)ANc!8 ? ...
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    “Per modum quietis”: Mary’s Knowledge between "raptus” and “ecstasis” in 'Sermo VI de Assumptione Beatae Virgini Mariae' attributed to Bonaventura.Elisa Chiti - 2023 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 29 (2):25-43.
    An analysis of the boundary between “raptus”, “ecstasis” and “excessus mentis” allows us to draw a line that unites theology and speculative mysticism, with interesting results. The mystical state described with regard to the co-redemptrix Virgin in sermo VI de assumptione beatae Virginis Mariae constitutes a good starting point. I will analyze the fundamental characteristics of the peculiar charism of the Virgin Mary “in via”, which overcomes the knowledge of the prophets and makes it deiform, perfectly coinciding in knowledge with (...)
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    Vita spirituale e riflessione filosofico-teologica: Bonaventura e il paradigma francescano e antoniano della riedificazione mediante le virtù.Andrea Di Maio - 2008 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 64 (1):73-103.
    Ponto de partida do artigo é a consideração de que o problema da relação entre Filosofia e Espiritualidade, ainda que problemático, é filosoficamente pensável e pode ser historicamente reconstruído. Com efeito, o artigo mostra de que modo o problema foi objecto de uma sistematização paradoxal, ainda que coerente e exemplar, por parte de S. Boaventura, cuja reflexão, tematizando a espiritualidade minorítica, radica em S. Francisco de Assis, ainda que também através da mediação de Santo António de Lisboa. Segundo S. Boaventura, (...)
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    Superposition: on Cavalieri’s practice of mathematics.Paolo Palmieri - 2009 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 63 (5):471-495.
    Bonaventura Cavalieri has been the subject of numerous scholarly publications. Recent students of Cavalieri have placed his geometry of indivisibles in the context of early modern mathematics, emphasizing the role of new geometrical objects, such as, for example, linear and plane indivisibles. In this paper, I will complement this recent trend by focusing on how Cavalieri manipulates geometrical objects. In particular, I will investigate one fundamental activity, namely, superposition of geometrical objects. In Cavalieri’s practice, superposition is a means of (...)
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  11.  15
    Suárez and Some Baroque Scotists on the Perceptual Self-Awareness.Daniel Heider - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (1):193-202.
    In this article I deal with the topic of perceptual self-awareness, focusing on whether a plausible account of sensory self-perception having exterior sensations as its objects requires sensible species representing these acts. I first introduce Aristotle’s two distinct views from On the Soul and On Sleep and Waking as defining the scholastic status quaestionis, then bring in Francisco Suárez’s, Bartholomeo Mastri’s and Bonaventura Belluto’s, and Hugh McCaghwell’s accounts. I show, first, that Suárez’s view, which cannot be substantiated by Scotus’s (...)
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  12.  28
    The Metaphysics of Perfect Vital Acts in Second Scholasticism.Daniel Heider - 2022 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 96 (4):619-652.
    In this paper I deal with the issues in Second Scholasticism of the nature, genesis and creatability of perfect vital acts of cognition and appetition in vital powers. I present the theories of Francisco Suárez (1548–1617), Raffaele Aversa (1589–1657), and Bartolomeo Mastri (1602–1673) together with Bonaventura Belluto (1603–1676). I show that while for Aversa these acts are action-like items merely emanating from the soul and vital powers and as such cannot be produced from the outside, even by God, for (...)
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  13. La canonizzazione di S. Bonaventura e il processo di Lione.Bonaventura Marinangeli - 1916 - Miscellanea Francescana 17:65-86.
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    Medieval PhilosophyA History of Philosophy, Vol. II, Mediaeval Philosophy Augustine to ScotusA Short History of Western Philosophy in the Middle AgesTexte seiner philosophischen Schriften, nach de Ausgabe von Paris 1514, sowie nach der Drucklegung von Basel 1565Reformatie en Scholastiek in de Wijsbegeerte, Boek I, Het Grieksche Voorspel. [REVIEW]George Bosworth Burch - 1952 - Review of Metaphysics 5 (3):455-464.
    The second volume of Father Copleston's History of Philosophy covers the period from Augustine through Duns Scotus. Of its 51 chapters Aquinas has eleven, Augustine and Duns Scotus six each, Bonaventura five, Erigena two, and Dionysius, Anselm, William of Auvergne, and Albertus one each, while other philosophers are treated more briefly. The author's point of view is strictly and explicitly Thomist, and the book is intended primarily as a textbook for use in Catholic seminaries. But it is written with (...)
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    Comprehension at the Crossroads of Philosophy and Theology.Claus A. Andersen - 2018 - Studia Neoaristotelica 15 (1):39-93.
    Duns Scotus and Aquinas agree that whereas God comprehends Himself or even is his own comprehension, no creature can ever comprehend God. In the 17th century, the two Scotists Bartolomeo Mastri and Bonaventura Belluto discuss comprehension in their manual of philosophical psychology. Although they attempt to articulate a genuine Scotist doctrine on the subject, this article shows that they in fact defend a stance close to the one endorsed by contemporary scholastics outside the Scotist school. The article situates their (...)
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  16.  29
    Analogie di artifex, artifex di analogie. Figure storiche e metodiche tra medioevo e modernità.Amalia Salvestrini - 2023 - Doctor Virtualis 18:77-105.
    Prendendo spunto da alcuni aspetti del dibattito contemporaneo sulla metafora, l’articolo propone un percorso attraverso varie figure di artefice per interrogarsi sulla portata filosofica, conoscitiva ed euristica dell’analogia in diverse epoche e difenderne la retoricità. Il tema dell’artefice e del suo processo creativo-produttivo compare sovente nella forma di analogia ed è oggetto di significative variazioni nel corso della storia, prima tra tutte il dislocamento del dominio e delle finalità dell’analogia dal trascendente all’immanente. Si propone un itinerario che inizia con (...) da Bagnoregio, il quale condivide i principali tratti della metafisica della relazione agostiniana e monastica in cui l’analogia di proporzionalità ha un ruolo centrale non solo nel determinare la struttura dell’essere, ma anche nel progredire della conoscenza. La questione in età moderna è affrontata con brevi riferimenti ad alcune figure di artefice in età rinascimentale (Leon Battista Alberti, Leonardo da Vinci) e moderna (Baudelaire, Kandinskij) in cui l’interesse si sposta nell’immanenza. Si approfondisce infine il ruolo dell’analogia nei processi creativi delineati da Paul Valéry, là dove essa diviene la funzione principale del potere universale della mente. In conclusione, si presentano osservazioni dapprima teoriche, sulla dimensione filosofica, conoscitiva ed euristica dell’analogia in differenti epoche storiche; e in seguito metodiche, sull’uso dell’analogia in storia della filosofia. Starting from some aspects of the contemporary debate on metaphor, the article proposes a path through various figures of artifex to question the philosophical, cognitive and heuristic aim of analogy and defend its rhetorical dimension. The theme of the artifex and his creative-productive process often appears in the form of analogy. It has undergone significant variations throughout history, most notably the displacement of the domain and purpose of analogy from the transcendent to the immanent. An itinerary is proposed that begins with the Franciscan Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, who shares the main features of the Augustinian and monastic metaphysics of relationship in which the analogy of proportionality plays a central role not only in the structure of being, but also in the progress of knowledge. The question in the modern age is addressed with brief references to some figures of the Renaissance (Leon Battista Alberti, Leonardo da Vinci) and modern age (Baudelaire, Kandinsky) in which the interest shifts to immanence. Finally, the role of analogy in the creative processes outlined by Paul Valéry is explored, where it becomes the main function of the universal power of the mind. Concluding remarks are proposed, firstly theoretical, on the philosophical, cognitive and heuristic dimension of analogy in different historical periods; and then methodical on the use of analogy in the history of philosophy. (shrink)
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    La fatica mistica di Michele Federico Sciacca. Un travaglio che procede da lontano.Valentina Amorosino - 2020 - Doctor Virtualis 15:171-194.
    L’obiettivo che questo lavoro si propone è quello di rintracciare nella prosa appassionante e appassionata di Michele Federico Sciacca tracce che rimandano alla speculazione filosofica di Bernardo di Chiaravalle. Divisi nel tempo, ma compartecipi di un modo comune di intendere la categoria mistica, i due filosofi appaiono uniti nella condivisione di una stessa sensibilità. È una filiazione che accoglie più interrogativi che certezze, primo tra tutti, il perché Sciacca non citi mai direttamente Bernardo, cosa che invece ripetutamente fa con Agostino, (...)
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    Conferita la Laurea Honoris Causa in Teologia al Prof. P. Cesare Cenci, OFM (review).Marco Arosio - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:532-540.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"Un editore, un dotto studioso … silenzioso e costante, instancabile": con questo elogio, in occasione della presentazione del Supplementum ad Bullarium Franciscanum di P. Cesare Cenci, O.F.M., presso l'università francescana di Via Merulana , P. Sergio Pagano, B., Prefetto dell'Archivio Segreto Vaticano, tracciava il profilo umano ed intellettuale dell'autore, elogiandone l'attesa pubblicazione come opera "in cui si coniugano diverse virtù "storiche" – per dir così – come l'accortezza diplomatica (...)
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    Sloterdijk und das philosophische Kabinett.Radim Brázda - 2017 - Pro-Fil 2017 (S1):66-71.
    The goal of the essayistic speculation (intended also as a brief laudatio) is to illustrate on an example the way that Sloterdijk could transform literary impulses into themes that he subsequently processes philosophically and develops in his works. I will present several of such potential transformations by means of parts and themes from Bonaventura’s Nachtwachen (1804, especially vigils 9 and 14), which Sloterdijk commented on in his Vienna lectures in 1998. The aim is not to seek parallels between (...)’s and Sloterdijk’s works, but to illustrate the possibilities of a philosophical transformation, the exploitation of literary themes by philosophical imagination and subsequently a detailed elaboration of philosophical concepts. (shrink)
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    Relations, Emanations, and Henry of Ghent's Use of the Verbum Mentis in Trinitarian Theology: The Background in Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure.Russell Friedman - 1996 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 7:131-182.
    Nella teologia trinitaria di Enrico di Gand, e in particolare nell'uso della nozione di verbum mentis, confluiscono ad avviso dell'A. tre diverse tradizioni che vengono rielaborate in un sistema coerente dal maestro agostiniano. La prima, quella cui aderiscono Tommaso e Bonaventura, insiste sul fatto che le persone sono distinte tra loro proprie per mezzo di relazioni opposte. La seconda, rappresentata da Riccardo di san Vittore, che attribuisce la differenza tra le persone al loro diverso modo di emanazione e di (...)
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  21.  38
    Out-of-Body Expirience, Pure Being and Metaphysics.Karivets' Ihor - 2016 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research (10):7-16.
    Purpose. The author will show that metaphysical concepts and the concepts of empirical sciences derive from experience. The only difference is that metaphysical concepts derive from unusual experience, i.e. out-of-body experience, while empirical sciences – from usual one. The example set metaphysical concept of pure being. Methodology. In order to obtain this goal the author uses two methods. The first one is comparative method. With the help of this method the stories of men who experienced clinical death and returned to (...)
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  22.  62
    Hobbes on the Ratios of Motions and Magnitudes.Douglas Jesseph - 2017 - Hobbes Studies 30 (1):58-82.
    Hobbes intended and expected De Corpore to secure his place among the foremost mathematicians of his era. This is evident from the content of Part III of the work, which contains putative solutions to the most eagerly sought mathematical results of the seventeenth century. It is well known that Hobbes failed abysmally in his attempts to solve problems of this sort, but it is not generally understood that the mathematics of De Corpore is closely connected with the work of some (...)
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    Back to Bacon: Dieter Hattrup and Bonaventure's Authorship of the De reductione.Timothy J. Johnson - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:133-147.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionWhen I first came across Dieter Hattrup's analysis of the De reductione I noted that the professor from Paderborn was trying, step by step, to trace the authorship back to friars influenced by Roger Bacon – a reductio ad Baconem, if you will. Hattrup's argument that Roger Bacon was indirectly involved in the composition of the De reductione evoked the fleeting memory of a pop culture game created by (...)
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    L’eredità agostiniana dalla tradizione monastica alle filosofie francescane.Francesca Pullano - 2018 - Doctor Virtualis 14.
    Il XII secolo rappresenta per il mondo monastico un periodo di grande splendore dal punto di vista culturale e filosofico, in particolare grazie a figure come Bernardo di Chiaravalle e Guglielmo di Saint-Thierry, la cui riflessione rappresenta da una parte la maturità della tradizione monastica altomedievale, dall’altra il coronamento e la chiusura di un periodo, più che l’apertura di uno nuovo.Paradossalmente il XII secolo segna anche un periodo di crisi profonda, in cui i monaci, che per secoli sono stati al (...)
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    The intertwined nature of peace and war.Bonaventura Majolo - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e17.
    Glowacki discusses how humans regularly face collective action problems that may result in either peaceful or aggressive between-group interactions. Peace and war probably coevolved in humans. Using a gene–culture evolutionary framework is a powerful way to analyse why, when, and how humans have the capacity to build and maintain long-term peaceful interactions between groups and also to wage deadly wars.
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  26. Bibliografia del P. Giovanni Iammarrone.Bonaventura Danza - 2012 - Miscellanea Francescana 112 (3):314-326.
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  27. Carismi Josephini e pietà popolare: San Guiseppe da Copertino.Bonaventura Danza - 2003 - Miscellanea Francescana 103 (1-2):49-63.
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    Commentary: No unique effect of intergroup competition on cooperation: non-competitive thresholds are as effective as competition between groups for increasing human cooperative behavior.Bonaventura Majolo & Teresa Romero - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  29. Le Serie di Affreschi Giotteschi Rappresentanti la Vita di S. Francesco nella Chiesa Superiore di Assisi.Bonaventura Marinangeli - 1911 - Miscellanea Francescana 13 (4):97-112.
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  30. Diltheys verhältnis zur geschichte.Bonaventura Schaidnagl - 1927 - Berlin,: Fährmannverlag.
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  31. Whitehead's pointfree geometry and diametric posets.Giangiacomo Gerla & Bonaventura Paolillo - 2010 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 19 (4):289-308.
    This note is motivated by Whitehead’s researches in inclusion-based point-free geometry as exposed in An Inquiry Concerning the Principles of Natural Knowledge and in The concept of Nature. More precisely, we observe that Whitehead’s definition of point, based on the notions of abstractive class and covering, is not adequate. Indeed, if we admit such a definition it is also questionable that a point exists. On the contrary our approach, in which the diameter is a further primitive, enables us to avoid (...)
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    Tommaso Radini Tedeschi: Orazione contro Filippo Melantone. Testo, traduzione e commento a cura di Flaminio Ghizzoni. Saggio introduttivo di Giuseppe Berti. (Storia del Cristianesimo, 3), Paideia Editrice Brescia 1973, 243 pp. [REVIEW]Bonaventura Dickers - 1974 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 26 (3):284-285.
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    Obtaining the mean relative weights of the cost of care in Catalonia (Spain): retrospective application of the adjusted clinical groups case‐mix system in primary health care.Antoni Sicras-Mainar, Soledad Velasco-Velasco, Ruth Navarro-Artieda, Alba Aguado Jodar, Oleguer Plana-Ripoll, Eduardo Hermosilla-Pérez, Bonaventura Bolibar-Ribas, Alejandra Prados-Torres & Concepción Violan-Fors - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (2):267-276.
  34. Svatý Bonaventura: Putování mysli do Boha.Tomáš Nejeschleba - 1999 - Filosoficky Casopis 47:148-151.
    [St. Bonaventura: The Mind’s Search for God.].
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  35. The Ratio studiorum of the conventual Franciscans in the Baroque Age and the cultural-political background to the Scotist philosophy Cursus of Bartolomeo Mastri and Bonaventura Belluto.Marco Forlivesi - 2015 - Noctua 2 (1-2):253-384.
    During the century following the Council of Trent, two trends within Catholic religious orders matured: the first consisted in unifying and strengthening the Order’s culture by focussing on one author of reference; the other in elaborating a new way of presenting that author’s doctrines. In the case of the Friars Minor Conventuals, these trends were fostered in the second decade of the seventeenth century by the minister general of the Order, Giacomo Montanari, who promoted the idea that providing the Order (...)
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  36. Giordano Bruno and Bonaventura Cavalieri's theories of indivisibles: a case of shared knowledge.Paolo Rossini - 2018 - Intellectual History Review 28 (4):461-476.
    At the turn of the seventeenth century, Bruno and Cavalieri independently developed two theories, central to which was the concept of the geometrical indivisible. The introduction of indivisibles had significant implications for geometry – especially in the case of Cavalieri, for whom indivisibles provided a forerunner of the calculus. But how did this event occur? What can we learn from the fact that two theories of indivisibles arose at about the same time? These are the questions addressed in this paper. (...)
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    Die Philosophie Bonaventuras und die Transzendentalienlehre.Jan Aertsen & Andreas Speer - 1997 - Recherches de Philosophie 64 (1):32-66.
    «Wer die heilige Schrift liebt, liebt auch die Philosophie, um durch sie den Glauben zu bestärken; aber die Philosophie ist der Baum der Erkenntnis von Gut und Böse, weil in ihr die Falschheit der Wahrheit beigemischt ist». Dieser Ausspruch Bonaventuras in einer Adventspredigt zu Joh 1,26-27 aus dem Jahre 1267 spiegelt die ganze Ambivalenz wider, die sich in seinen Schriften mit Bezug auf die Philosophie findet. Dem unverkennbaren philosophisch-spekulativen Impetus seines Denkens steht eine teilweise harsche Philosophen- und Philosophiekritik gegenüber. «Die (...)
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    Bonaventura Cavalieri, Marin Mersenne, and the Reflecting Telescope.Piero Ariotti - 1975 - Isis 66 (3):303-321.
  39. S. Bonaventura.Efrem Bettoni - 1945 - Brescia,: La Scuola.
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  40. Bonaventura Belluto da Catania (1603-1676) filosofo e teologo scotista dei Minori Conventuali.Francesco Costa - 2002 - Miscellanea Francescana 102 (3-4):758-768.
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  41. Zu Bonaventuras Schrift De Reductione Artium Ad Theologiam.Adelhard Epping - 1964 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit 27:100.
  42. Besass Bonaventura eine Hermeneutik zur Interpretation der Geschichte?Alexander Gerken - 1974 - Wissenschaft Und, Weisheit 37:19-39.
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    Bonaventura berlinghieri's palmettes.Ernst H. Gombrich - 1976 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 39 (1):234-236.
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  44. San Bonaventura e la razionalizzazione della teologia: L'antifilosofia della filosofia francescana.Anna Grazioso - 2004 - Miscellanea Francescana 104 (1-2):39-83.
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  45. Bonaventuras Verhältnis zum Ontologismus.J. Hessen - 1921 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 34:370-378.
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    Sv. Bonaventura: Kako se različne umetnosti zvajajo na teologijo; O trojni poti; recenzija.Domen Iljaš - 2022 - Clotho 4 (1):179-182.
    Knjiga, ki ji je posvečena pričujoča recenzija, prinaša prevod dveh krajših Bonaventurovih del, O trojni poti (De triplici via) in Kako se različne umetnosti zvajajo na teologijo (De reductione artium ad theologiam). Prevedla ju je filozofinja in klasična filologinja Nena Bobovnik, ki na KU Leuven pripravlja doktorat iz srednjeveške filozofije. Poleg spremne besede z naslovom »Zaris srednjeveške in skicaBonaventurove filozofije« sta še dva uvoda v piščevo misel. Najprej tri kateheze, ki jih je papež Benedikt XVI. – ki se je na (...)
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  47. Bonaventura und die Phänomenologie : ein Nachtrag zum Aufsatz von Emmanuel Falque.Markus Kneer - 2018 - In Dieter Hattrup & Markus Kneer, Anknüpfung und Widerspruch: Theologie, Philosophie und Naturwissenschaften in der Debatte: Festgabe für Dieter Hattrup zum 70. Geburtstag. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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    1 Bonaventuras Zugang.Florian Kolbinger - 2014 - In Zeit Und Ewigkeit: Philosophisch-Theologische Beiträge Bonaventuras Zum Diskurs des 13. Jahrhunderts Um Tempus Und Aevum. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 335-338.
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    Bonaventura en Thomas Van aquino: 1274–1974.C. W. Mönnich - 1974 - Bijdragen 35 (1):2-16.
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    Bonaventuras Christologischer Einwand Gegen Die Geschichtslehre Des Joachim Von Fiore.Stephan Otto - 1977 - In Albert Zimmermann, Die Mächte des Guten und Bösen: Vorstellungen im XII. und XIII. Jahrhundert über ihr Wirken in der Heilsgeschichte. De Gruyter. pp. 113-130.
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